Everyday we wake up and strive hard to achieve our goals. Despite our efforts, there are somethings that can badly affect our growth and hamper our success. These every day happenings may appear very trivial, yet are the things that can block your success. These are common things that every one of us may be intentionally or unintentionally get involved in to. But, through awareness, if we can sideline these negative aspects, we can bring in a lot more to our life.
According to the law of attraction, whatever we focus on, put attention on, that grows! So isn’t it better to dive into positive and happy things so as to maximise them in our lives?
Let us cross out the roadblocks:
Gossiping & Blaming/complaining:
Gossiping with our friends about stuff and people is a common practice most of us indulge in, quite often! Researchers say that gossiping and taking part in negative talk can drain our energy considerably. Blaming, complaining and gossiping among other such practices waste our valuable time and hamper productivity. So it’s time to check yourself the next time you sign up for a gossip session!
Laziness & Procrastination:
This is a no brainer. We all know and agree that laziness and procrastination leads us nowhere, still we conveniently fall trap to it. I can totally understand it is extremely hard sometimes to get things going when we can easily convince ourselves to delay, but, when you have your priorities clear, you find a way!
Under valuing others:
This is one of the most saddening things. It is not a good idea to put someone else down when you are trying to climb up the ladder of success. Every individual has some abilities and skills, we must respect and value others at every stage. You never know anybody’s true potential unless it is unveiled.
Making false promises:
This can be a tempting practice to get into in order to get ahead sometimes, but in the long run, it make us fall flat. Following work ethics and business ethics is the need of the hour. I read a popular book for teenagers and it stated making false promises, breaking promises made to oneself and others is a withdrawal of trust.
Getting affected by opinions and judgements:
This can hamper our growth big time. If we keep thinking of what others will think, we will never ever be able to get ahead in life. Getting affected by opinions and judgements of others can have a very negative impact on our mind. Opinions and judgements of people change, hence it is vital we don’t let them ruin our day, life!
These were few of the many everyday negative things that can block your success! So let us cross them out from our life and climb up the ladder of growth, success and prosperity!
Oprah Winfrey says, “The more you praise and celebrate life, the more there is in life to celebrate!”
In the words of Gabrielle Bernstein, “True Abundance isn’t based on our net worth, it is based on our self worth”
Can’t wait to read your thoughts…
Image credit: buddhabarbie.com, paulthecounsellor.com.au, mindful360.com, voicedata.com, happysomeone.com, chrisatley.com respectively. Main image: lifehealthpro.com
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