Know These 8 Forms Of Wealth For Your Overall Success | Ashta Lakshmi

ASHTA lakshmi

Know These 8 Forms Of Wealth For Your Overall Success | Ashta Lakshmi

Just having the material riches isn’t true wealth. Imagine this scenario – Mr. A has all the materialistic wealth and he is surrounded by all the luxury that the world has to offer. But, unfortunately, he is not healthy enough to enjoy the riches and the luxury that he owns! So, having only material wealth isn’t enough, you ought to know all the eight forms of wealth and strive to have them all! According to Indian Mythology and Hindu Puranas, it is mentioned that man desires to acquire the eight forms of wealth. Man is seeking these wealth(s) throughout his life. Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of Wealth. Hence, there are eight forms of the Goddess, known as the Ashta Lakshmi, which are worshipped to acquire and understand these riches and wealth(s).

Material Wealth – Dhan Lakshmi

All of us are aware of this form of wealth, the material riches.

Wealth of Knowledge – Vidya Lakshmi

Knowledge has huge reverence. It brings stability in life and when used appropriately becomes a form of wealth.

Wealth of Grains (Food) – Dhanya Lakshmi

To explain this form of wealth, here’s an example. Mr. A has all the richness but is unable to eat his loved dishes and food, this is lack of Dhanya Laxmi. In the rural part of India, people may not have material wealth but there is no lack of Dhanya Laxmi. They always serve food to their guests with a smile. This is the abundance of Dhanya Laxmi, the Wealth of Food.

Wealth of Courage – Dhairya Lakshmi

Being courageous is a wealth that not everyone hoards. It is a wealth that allows us to do the impossible. One needs to be courageous irrespective of their profession be it a job or entrepreneurship, lack of Dhairya Lakshmi hampers progress.

Wealth of Progeny – Santana Laxmi

This again has high reverence in India. People want their families to grow and their progeny to flourish. It is considered a wealth in India. Families that have children but are carrying out the wrong means and bring unhappiness also indicate the lack of Santana Laxmi.

Wealth of Victory – Vijaya Lakshmi

Some people work hard and put their all yet see minimal or no results, this is because of lack of Vijaya Laxmi. While some people put in the right efforts and see good results and success, this is due to the blessings of Vijaya Laxmi.

Wealth of Royalty – Raj Lakshmi

The wealth of power and royalty. You see how some people have inherent leadership skills and everyone just listens to them irrespective of their position? This is Raj Laxmi

Primeval Wealth – Adi Lakshmi

This is the most important one. The wealth of having the knowledge of oneself. Knowing your source. The one who is blessed with Adi Laxmi attains the highest!

Everyone has these 8 forms of wealth in us in more or less quantities. It is upon us how we honour them and work towards increasing each one of them with our hard work. There is a lot more depth to the topic and has several more interesting insights. 

I attended a talk on the Ashta Lakshmi (8 forms of wealth) a few years back and have been fascinated by it since then. I am always intrigued by Indian Mythology and it is one of my favourite subjects.

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Meghana PawarMeghana PawarMeghana PawarMeghana Pawar


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