What is Yoga? | International Yoga Day Special

Yoga is a spiritual science that helps in achieving holistic development of our physical, mental and spiritual aspects of being. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit verb ‘yuj’ which means to join. Yoga is experiencing the union of the body, mind, and breath. The scope of Yoga is very wide. It includes Dnyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Laya Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga and many other such divisions. The ultimate aim of Yoga is Samadhi or self-realisation. However, one needs to take care of several aspects such as overcoming physical, mental and emotional blocks or negative tendencies so as to reach the highest.

Yoga majorly helps an individual get over their physical and mental issues and tendencies. Practising certain asanas and knowing, understanding, and implementing the Ashtanga Yoga (Eight Limbs of Yoga) will not only help in overcoming physical hitches but also help in relieving fear, anxiety and stress.

According to Sage Patanjali:

“Yogaścittavṛttinirodhaḥ” (Yogas chitta vritti nirodha)

Meaning: Yoga is to control the modifications of the mind! Yoga is a continuous process of gaining control over the mind which helps us to reach our original state.

According to Bhagwat Gita:

योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्

“Yogah Karmasu Kausalam”

Meaning: It means Yoga is Skill in Action! Any action that you do, yoga brings up that skill in you, wherein you are not feverish. The three ‘F’ Factor: Freedom from fear, feverishness and foolishness!

Bhagwat Gita also states:

“Samatvam Yog Uchyate”

समत्वं योग उच्यते

Meaning: Yoga brings equanimity in you. It is the equanimity that wells up in you, that comes up in you, stabilises your consciousness. One needs to be poised in chaotic situations to be able to have clarity and take right decisions.

What is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga: ‘Ha’ stands for Sun while ‘Tha’ stands for the Moon. Sun and Moon are indicators of the dualities of the world. Since this science teaches us to how to keep balance in this life full of dualities, it has been named ‘Hatha’ Yoga. It includes all the practice of asanas (yoga postures) and pranayams (breathing techniques), which help bring peace to the mind and body. It prepares the body for deeper spiritual practises such as meditation.

Hatha Yoga, the foundation of all the Asana-Pranayama practices has been an individual practice. It has to be understood without the influence of the modern fitness perspective. Hatha Yoga tradition emphasizes on the Kriya – Asana combination as the first step supported by the sattvic food. Kriya doesn’t necessarily mean only Shat Kriyas (six purification techniques) but, every purification technique which removes the toxins from body-mind. Hatha Yoga is a highly valued text in Yoga because it gives detailed descriptions about the asanas, pranayamas, mudras, bandhas and shuddhi kriyas to be practised by a sadhaka (seeker) who wishes to grow on the spiritual path by the medium of cleansing the body and mind first.

Some Old texts on Yoga:

Pantanjali Yoga Darshan by Maharishi Pantanjali:

 This is possibly the oldest text on Yoga dating back prior to 200 B.C. it contains Yoga Sutras which are in a highly condensed form containing very deep and thought provoking meanings. These Sutras give only the basic concept of yogic science and hence do not contain any description of the techniques and types of Yoganas or Pranayams.


Another renowned text on Yoga written between 1350 AD and 1550 AD by Swatmaram Suri. It describes how certain Asanas are to be performed and gives details about Pranayams, Bandhas, Mudras and Kriyas. Hence it is a very useful text for Yoga Sadhakas.   

Gheranda Samhita:

Gheranda Samhita is said to written between the end of the17 th century and the beginning of the 18th century. This is the only text in which kriyas are included as one of the Angas of Yoga. Gheranda Samita also describes certain Asans, Pranayams, Bandhas, Mudras and Kriyas.

Shiva Samhita:

Shiva Samhita states that Yogashastra is the first in all sciences. It is a secret science that believes in oneness of the world. Ignorance is the cause of all ills.

Goraksha Samhita:

The text carries the name of Gorkshanatha, the disciple of Matsyendranatha and a great exponent of Hatha Yoga. It advocates Shadanga Yoga (Yoga of Six Parts). It also explains Shat Chakras, Dasha Nadi, Dasha Vayu, Pancha Dharana etc but emphasizes more on Pranayamas and the practical side of other Angas.

International Yoga Day is on June 21

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